It is 12.15 pm and already today my thoughts have been challenged.
One person has said, about the Port Royal proposals, ‘It gives people something to talk about, but there are always some proposals or other; they’ll be talking about it for years’. Another said ‘Why do they say it could be 3 storeys or 5 storeys?’
Apathy and confusion. We have to confront both.
The confusion is welcome, it makes us challenge what we know but haven’t had explicitly explained. The apathy plays right into the hands of ‘the powers that be’.
So to take the question.
Alison Hayward, Senior Manager, Regeneration & Economic Development EDDC ( the lady in control of the Exmouth redevelopment); was clear to everyone that it was neccessary to have three floors of apartments to fund the redevelopment.
So how can we end up with a 3 storey block? One easy answer would be to site the Lifeboat and Sailing elsewhere. It has already been suggested that the Lifeboat goes ‘somewhere’ in Western Town. See the report of the most recent Reference Group on the Futures Forum Blog.