While wandering through the internet I have come across a statement from 2013, apparently setting out Sidmouth Conservatives’ strategy regarding Port Royal.
I want to make clear that this is not a comment aimed at a political party, I have no allegiance to any political group, but it is noteworthy because most of our Councillors are Conservative and this sheds light on how the group is thinking perhaps.
The comment can be found on Devon Conservative site, which despite the name of the website seems to belong to Stuart Hughes. I can not work out whether it is a personal platform or somewhere that gives an outlet for a group, or both, perhaps Stuart will clarify at some stage. I copy the comment below: reminding people that it is from 2013 and things may have changed.
To members of our electorate (Sidmouth Town, Sidmouth Sidford, and Sidmouth Rural Wards)
As your East Devon District Council representatives for Sidmouth we write in response to many discussions, comments and statements which have circulated regarding the Drill Hall, Knowle, employment land and housing provision.
Firstly, we would like to reassure everyone we have listened, consulted and taken on board the numerous comments since calling the EDDC meeting at (Stowford Community Centre), (Annual Town Council Assembly) and the special extra ordinary Town Council meeting held at EDDC recently.
Our view is a united one and we have separated each of the following responses for clarity.
The Drill Hall
We will call for a full development brief for the whole of the Port Royal site, in consultation with Sidmouth Town and East Devon District Council. We will thoroughly examine this to ensure a suitable and beneficial development takes place and incorporates a full redevelopment scheme suited to the surrounding area.
There were other sections but I am not interested in those for the purposes of this blog. My interest is on the phrase ‘a full redevelopment scheme‘. Usually this refers to ‘knock down and build a big building‘, I wonder if this has been the idea all along?