Join Us

This membership section has been created to allow me to see who is interested in the more detailed aspects of trying to save the Drill Hall. It may well be expanded as time goes on but at the moment it only contains the Structural Engineer’s report.

If you sign up below you will have access to the inner workings of campaigns so please don’t share your login details but instead encourage all your friends to create their own accounts. In this way I will be able to demonstrate the amount of interest within the town.

If you do not already receive the newsletter you may wish to sign up for it in the form at the right of any page, including this one.
Signing up for the newsletter on the right will not give access to the Structural Report, for that you need to complete the form below.


All your details will be kept safe and not passed on. Membership details will be seen only by me and newsletters are handled by MailChimp under strict regulation. I am the only person who has access to the MailChimp account.

Thanks, Mary